Ridotto Staking is Live!

3 min readSep 30, 2021

Now that the $RDT token is live and trading on Uniswap, it is time to bring the community into the fold, and provide them with utility for the token.

The purpose is twofold; as early adopters, the team wants to reward you as quickly as possible for supporting Ridotto’s mission. Second, and more functionally, as the team works diligently towards the MVP lotteries and slot machines, it is important that they facilitate as much relative stability in price as possible while they bridge the gap between token generation, and platform launch.


Community members will have a fourteen day grace period to deposit their tokens and stake for either 30 days to earn 10% APY, or stake for 90 days to get a much more impressive guaranteed 80%. Beyond these token rewards, staking guarantees eligibility for the NFT farming pool that will launch after the first locking period.

As an important note of clarification, these staking opportunities are short term token utility specified for rewards, and are not the casino related liquidity pools that will go live with the Ridotto casino and early Minimum Viable Product.

Staking Instructions:

  1. Provide liquidity (RDT & ETH) to Uniswap in order to facilitate trading. In addition to the rewards that you accrue through this, you can also:
  2. Stake the RDT LP tokens (UNI-V2) to generate additional RDT rewards, of the quantity listed above.

In order to provide liquidity to Uniswap, it is required that you deposit an equal allocation in value of RDT & ETH.

1) Buy $RDT:


➡️ How to Video: https://youtu.be/N-zdknhBGv0

2) Provide Liquidity:


➡️ How to Video: https://youtu.be/HCxccyoJ148

3) Staking :

1- Go to the dashboard (Pool) linked here: https://ridotto.link/39O3yQj

2- Enter the amount of LP token UNI-V2 you want to stake

3- Click Stake, pay the fees for the transaction and wait for the date/time to Un-Stake

4- After the contribution ends, you can come back to the same dashboard (Pool) to see how much reward you will receive at Early Withdraw (30 days) or Maturity (90 days)

4) Un-Staking:

1- Go to the dashboard (Pool) where you deposited and make sure that you are using the same wallet address

2- Click Un-stake and enter the amount you want to Un-stake (Do not include the rewards)

3- You pay the gas fees and you will receive your contributed tokens + the rewards based on the amount you Un-Stake

About Ridotto

Ridotto is the very first cross-chain gaming and lottery protocol based on complete transparency, anonymity, security, and fairness. Built on Cardano, our approach is to provide an open protocol driven by the community, where users can play, build, and even bankroll casino games, thus earning generous liquidity. Ridotto’s overarching goal is to elevate the user to the role of “house,” thereby offering a fully scalable alternative to centralized online gaming.

Beyond our vibrant flagship casino, we will unleash retail ingenuity by giving users the decentralized infrastructure to experiment and evolve the gaming ecosystem, much like the App Store did for mobile gaming.

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Reinventing the gaming experience | Ridotto is the first cross-chain gaming & lottery protocol that offers the possibility to play & build games.